1000 miles from nowhere
The typical IT department, or rather, IT contributing staff scattered throughout the organization, are involved in so many different projects that there are no more titles to hand out. Every second week there´s a new title being invented, that every legit business ought to have to keep relevant.
- Could you imagine the time before we appointed our beloved W.A.T.E.R.E.D.D.O.W.N? (World Acquisitions of Tech and EnterpriseRetention through Errorlevelanalysis at Digital Domains Officer managing Wannacry and other Net threats).
- Yeah, we totally fumbled in darkness through those medieval times in the early 2000.
With that said, in a couple of years, or even just a year into the future the sheer amount of titles and specialized areas of responsibility will make it impossible to appoint stakeholders to keep count on all the stakes.
The title-phenomena is really not the real problem, it´s rather the vast amount of areas that incorporate some piece of IT that forces new titles. With so many new areas emerging, a single IT stakeholder (i.e new, innovative title) couldn´t possibly protect against everything that isn´t directly spearheaded towards the titles immediate and expected obligations.Who´s ultimately responsible for IT security, when there´s both a CIO and a CDO, and the threat comes through digital channels, and ends up in the internal IT infrastructure?
The old country-song “1000 miles from nowhere” comes to mind. You are somewhere, and you know were, but you can´t really tell anyone how to get there...
Expect those hard to define areas of responsibilities to create a gap. A gap that I believe most certainly will be filled by the insurance companies. That´s the only reasonable way right now, to engage (or pay) someone to be a neutral stakeholder, one who´s not entangled in the organizations biased legacy hierarchy.
If you´re breached and you lose customer data to a certain level, you will be compensated with X amount of money… above that level, there´s larger compensation, provided that you could prove that your annual turnover has suffered at least 10% etc.
It all follows the logic of the “sharing” economy that we are now said to slowly enter.
Secure IT is to be thoroughly insured…