Bring me some Budweiser redwine robot!
Now, this is not raining on my own, or your parade…
Gender equality … Words we usually don’t hear very often when working in tech or IT. There don’t tend to be any women to push away, nor are there a lot of women not being let in caused by male bias and/or protectionism. So, we don’t hear anyone crying Inequality either …
On the other hand, we could look at it through the lens that’s looking for possibilities, then we don’t see a problem (the (in)equality), but we see a solution. The solution is, correcting something before it becomes a problem, which we know it will be sooner or later (which in itself could be labeled as a problem to begin with).
There’s an article called “Solve gender bias before AI makes it worse” on the lack of women influencing AI. This is very interesting since AI is not only programming functions reacting to actions, it’s a great deal about distributing different functions answering different actions.
Even though my wife seldom call me a man (more often a boy), I act predictively manly in set situations. if I were to create an AI response-pattern it would certainly assume that the end-user in contact with the AI were a man. I could try to make it as gender-neutral as possible, but a woman would certainly call me on that, due to small nuances in language etc.
This wouldn’t be mentioned as long as AI stays away from business or customer-centered activities … But as we know, AI isn’t being developed for fun, but for generating money and business value. Half of us are women … Finish the article with your own imagination …